Many students around the country are feeling threatened by the recent United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids that have been plaguing the United States. ICE has specifically been targeting those who look like they have a Hispanic background, racially profiling them as illegal immigrants. This is a huge problem within big Latino communities. Students and some teachers within NAHS are scared just to walk outside because they may be deported to Mexico. In schools around Los Angeles, students have been walking out to protest against the new administration. Here at Northridge Academy, our administration has made it a priority to protect the students in this school, so that no ICE raids can occur on school grounds, making school a pretty safe place for students.
Principal Lee has expressed concern, sending an email stating, “If students walk out it may put pressure on students that are undocumented to walk out also, exposing them to possible detainment on the street.” This is a logical thing to be concerned about due to the increasing rate of ICE raids around the country, especially Los Angeles as an ICE raid was recently reported in Southern California, which NBC News confirmed. So for students to be safe, they should stay in school because it is much safer in Northridge Academy than on the streets.
Students believe that they should have a right to protest, walking out of school being an example of said protesting. One student who does not want their name disclosed expressed their opinion on this matter concerning the walkouts in our school, describing them as a “way to get their voices heard” especially when younger people aren’t heard as often when it comes to politics. This said student described the deportations as unjust and cruel, especially with the way immigrants with legal status are being treated, highlighting the way our country depends on immigrants.
One way students can let their voices be heard and not put themselves at risk is to write letters to local politicians, especially Governor Newsom. Every day ICE is scoping out which places to raid and arrest people. To help prevent deportations, schools within LAUSD have been giving out red cards that state every individual’s rights, which they can hand to ICE officers, protecting themselves and the others around them.
To prevent more walkouts, Principal Lee has closed off the blacktop and entrance to the nurse’s office, trying to keep the students secure. Students who do decide to write letters to different senators and Californian politicians could visit Ms. Goodman in room 227 to get help with their letters and how to approach it.
There are many safe ways to approach this situation and let students’ voices be heard without harming them, and at this school, keeping its students safe is the top priority.