On Monday, August 14 students returned from their long summer break back to Northridge Academy and were met with quite an eventful day. What seemed like a normal afternoon for our returning students was interrupted by an abrupt earthquake during the fourth period, thankfully it was of low magnitude (4.4) and classes evacuated their rooms without any outstanding issues. Not only was today the first day for our students, but the first for our new admin team as well. We had the opportunity to speak with Principal Lee about his first day experience and some of the numbers behind the new school year. Firstly, according to Principal Lee we have a reduced amount of student enrollments from last years total, a decrease from 887 to an estimated 831. In our interview he had also expressed that he hopes to make improvements from day one, noting issues such as gum on floors as well as working on our evacuation drills in light of the recent earthquake.
A Shaky First Day Back at NAHS
A Back-to-School report card
Alejandro Magana, Staff Journalist
August 16, 2024
Being that it was the first day of school, some teachers didn’t know where their emergency signs were, some of which were out of date.
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About the Contributor

Alejandro Magana, Staff Journalist
Alex is the Opinions Editor for Puma Press.