Arcane, the show based off of characters from Riot Games’s League of Legends, has taken the world by storm in the year 2024 as the series came to a close with its 2nd season. When watching the show,...
The New Abnormal by the Strokes is their 6th studio album, released in 2020. To those who do not know The Strokes, The Strokes are an American rock band who you probably know from their songs “Late Nite”,...
Since its initial announcement at E3 (annual gaming convention) of 2014, the game Cuphead has excited the minds of video game players everywhere. From the classic cartoon style and music, the game seemed...
Recently, Drama Club announced their play for the fall season, they will be performing Jack and the Beanstalk on December 4th, 5th, and 6th. Tickets are $5 for general admission, but if you bring an...
As the autumn leaves start changing and falling from their branches, the weather starts to get colder. It feels like the perfect time to wear a cozy sweater and sip some hot apple cider while watching...
In recent years from near the end of quarantine and even during quarantine, the aesthetic and overall appeal of maximalism has increased tremendously. People dress maximalist, with jewelry, accessories,...
Growing up, I had a certain fondness for chick flicks, movies targeted towards women that feature mainly female protagonists and themes of romance. I would drop whatever I was doing and plant myself in...
Amid the glitz and glamor of this year’s award season, one ceremony sets itself apart from all the others—the 96th Academy Awards, otherwise known as the Oscars. It is unique for a few reasons, mainly...
With the advent of the new year comes award season, and a whole host of ceremonies dedicated to honoring various movies, TV shows, and other media. This past year was an exciting one for the entertainment...
When the weather starts to become less inferno-like, finals are looming imminently in the distance, and the months start ending in -ber, that’s when you know the holiday season is fast approaching. One...