A new opportunity has arisen for our Pumas, the availability of an extra hour in the library after school. This extra hour is named “Focus Hour” and is available after school Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It starts on Wednesday, September 25 and sign ups are available in the NAHS PAWS group on Schoology.
This hour is meant to give students an extra hour of activities to do in the library including research, where students can research anything they need for a class like projects; reading, where students can get some SSR done; and gaming, where students can play their favorite board games. As of now students need to bring their own board games, but librarian Mr. Kent is looking for board game donations to prevent that need.
This opportunity will be beneficial to many students, since they would be able to focus on what they need in a remote, comfortable atmosphere. “Focus Hour” can especially benefit the ones who don’t have the time or space to do things that they want or need to do at home.